China GIS Data

Over 1.5 gigabytes of spatially referenced data at 1:1,000,000 scale have been assembled to support the regional analysis of China. The analysis includes the development of regional city systems, core-periphery zones, and urban-rural continuum indicies. Current work on all of mainland China focuses on two epochs: 1982-85 and 1990 (see China GIS Data Plan).  A separate project has developed more detailed spatial data for Shandong Province (1:250,000 scale).  Many of the data sets listed here were made available to this project by other organizations, most notably the Australian Centre of the Asian Spatial Information and Analysis Network (ACASIAN) at Griffiths University, Australia.  Other sources include the Consortium for International Earth Sciences Information Network (CIESIN), the Digital Chart of the World (DCW), and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).  Further distrubution of such data sets is not available through UC Davis.

Data Directories:

Hierarchical Regional Space
Political Boundaries (ChinaA)
Central Places (ChinaT)
Cartographic Elements

More detailed metadata is available for coverages highlighted below.

Chinese Place Names: characters and meanings


Hierarchical Regional Space

File Title Description Source Status
rcs Macroregions and Regional City Systems of China, 1990 Polygons for regional city systems (1:1m); Region subclasses define Macroregional systems and subsystems UCD Completed July 1999.
rcs8285 Macroregions and Regional City Systems of China, 1982-85 Polygons for regional cities (1:1m) UCD  Offline.
cpz Core-Periphery Zoning of China Proper, 1990 Concentric zones UCD  Completed August 1999.
r4rcszon Regional City Systems and their Internal Structures, China's Upper Yangzi Region Polygons for regional cities and internal towns. UCD  Offline; draft completed 1996.
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Political Boundaries

File Title Description Source Status
china-a Boundaries of provincial, prefectural, and county-level units of China, 1982-1990 County polygons coded by 1982 and 1990 unit codes for use with ChinaA, ChinaZ, and cross-time comparisons. Regional subclasses define MQ, MC, and crosss-time units as well as provinces. Original boundaries by ACASIAN; revisions, coding and region topology by UCD. Completed 10/97. Expect to revise again cf. ACASIAN's PONET96.
hongkong Boundaries of Hong Kong District Board districts and New Towns, 1990 District polygons coded by name and ChinaA unit IDs. UCD Completed 6/98. Data available here.
chprov Provincial boundaries of China Low-resolution (1:4m) borders of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities ACASIAN  
worldx Index to DCW tiles DCW tile boundaries plus International boundaries and coastline (1:25m). DCW  
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Central Places

File Title Description Source Status
CP series and CPQU Central Places of China (30 provincial coverages plus CPQU supplemental coverage) Point locations of cities and towns linked to ChinaT data file. (.PAT gives both ACASIAN and ChinaT ID numbers; .CTC and CHINAT.DAT files give additional data.) CP series points georeferenced by ACASIAN, linked to ChinaT data file by UCD. Missing points (including qu centers) georeferenced by UCD. Also stored as all-China coverages CP-ALL, with subsets of Regional Cities (RegCity) and key towns for each county (MCCP), etc.
RegCity Regional Cities of China, 1990 Point locations of regional cities linked to ChinaT data file Selected from ACASIAN and UCD sources. Complete
ChinaT Major Central Places of China, 1990 Point locations of cities linked to ChinaT data file UCD See CP series files for additional lower-order places
chcaps Capital Cities of China Point locations of provincial capitals ACASIAN  
urban Urbanized areas of Asia "Urbanized" land use polygons for China and adjacent East and Central Asia CIESIN  
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File Title Description Source Status
chrivers Navigable Rivers of China Waterways indicated as navigable on 1:4m or 1:6m transportation maps; low-resolution not suitable for 1:1m maps. ACASIAN Most complete navigability attributes of all Hydrography coverages
HYLP series Hydrography Lines and Polygons (40 tiles, each 6x4 degrees) Rivers and Lakes suitable for 1:1m maps, digitized from Land Use Map of China. Linework from ACASIAN; some attributes including navigability recomputed by UCD. Note: navigable rivers and lakes extracted to all-China Navnet and Navpoly coverages (see below).
polakes Major Lakes of China Generalized polygons, topologically correct from 1:1m county boundaries. UCD  
rivers and riv-add Hydrography Lines and Polygons Rivers and Lakes suitable for 1:1m maps. Less detail than HYLP series. Rivers: DCW

Riv-add: UCD (added estuarine segments to meet China-A coastline)

r4rivers Rivers of the Upper Yangzi Basin HYLP rivers coded to five classes (indepenent of chrivers) UCD  
coastline Coastline of China 1:1m definitive coastline used in China-A political boundaries and in Navnet ACASIAN and DCW
navnet Navigable rivers of China River lines from the HYLP series coded as to their navigability Lines: ACASIAN; coding: UCD completed June 1998
navpoly Navigable lakes of China Water polygons from the HYLP series coded as to their navigability Lines: ACASIAN; coding and selection: UCD completed June 1998
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File Title Description Source Status
drainage Major Drainage Basins of China Watershed boundaries of major river systems.  Defined by tracing around heads of streams, without reference to DEM. ACASIAN  
physio Major Physiographic Regions of China 10 physiographic regions, defined primarily by major watershed boundaries UCD To be edited with reference to drainage coverage.
Chinadem Digital Elevation Model of China 30 arc-second grid of elevation values Source DEMs from USGS GTOPO30; assembled by UCD Very large file; stored offline
Chinaslope China Slope grid Slope values based on chinadem UCD Very large file; can be recomputed from chinadem
Chinahill China Hillshade grid Shaded relief based on chinadem UCD Very large file; can be recomputed from chinadem
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Transportation Network

File Title Description Source Status
Transnet Transportation Network, China 1990 Merged coverage of arcs from roads-pr (excluding superhighways), rails-pr, and hylp (navigable rivers only). Nodes representing central places are coded with T1 (from CPxx). UCD selected and edited from ACASIAN sources
roads Major Roads of China Selected inter-county roadways, circa 1990. ACASIAN  
rroads Major Railroads of China Selected inter-county railroad lines, circa 1990. ACASIAN  
Roads-pr series Roads of China (30 provincial coverages) Detailed roadways coded by status (from "superhighway" to "unpaved local road"). Circa mid-1990s. ACASIAN  
Rails-pr series Railroads of China (30 provincial coverages) Detailed railroads, circa mid-1990s. ACASIAN  
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Cartographic Elements

File Title Description Source Status
ctix China Graticule (Albers projection, meters) Graticule of precise latitudes and longitudes, with Tics and 5-digit IDs at intersections. UCD Complete 
mtix China Graticule (Albers projection, kilometers) Graticule of precise latitudes and longitudes, with Tics and 5-digit IDs at intersections. UCD Complete 
arrow Vertical Arrow   UCD  
mapscale 200km scale bar   UCD  
zlegend Segmented vertical arrow and key boxes Key box coverage for use with zlegend.aml UCD  

Data sets (c) copyright G. William Skinner