France GIS Data
Data Directories
France06 Data |
FN06 (canton boundary coverage)
(Jan 96)
(Working file for FN06MMC and FC06)(Jan 96)
(FN06MMC) (in real world coordinates)(Dec. 95)
FC06 France central places, point coverage created from FM06.
(Jan 96)
FM06LINE (lines show connection between the main and its detached territories)
(for FM06) (Jan 96)
(for FN06)(Jan 96)
FRANCE_C: Original 1806 France canton boundaries, names and Ids.
(Sept 95)
FRANCEM working coverage for FN06MMC
FRANCEN working coverage for FN06
France5161 |
FNCITY Central-place coverage (649 places ranked)
(Oct 95)
(Note: City ID and names with accents are from FRC4AUG.DBF; levels of
central places are from FRANC247.LST. Both files are in the subdirectory
file_box. The problem of displaying French accent has been fixed. The French
names now look fine on SGI monitors and can be printed on plots. 26 Oct 95)
NFZONE_C Macroregional systems in northern France
(Oct 95)
FNELEV2 Elevation contour polygons, lakes built-in, for shading
(Sept 96)
Following coverages created before Oct 1995 and names were changed during
the reorganization of Aug - Sept 96. The name in parenthesis is the old name.
FNADM France 1850s Arrondissment boundaries (ADMIN)
FNADM-COR The same as above plus Corsica island (ADMIN-COR)
CORSICA Corsica Island, same boundary class as admin
FNCITYSYS City system boundaries (CITYSYS)
FNCONT France elevation contour lines, 3 levels total. divided by arcs (JUNBOUND) (cut = 1)
FNELEV France elevation contours, three levels represented in three polygons for shading colors. (JUNCONT)
FNDRAIN Limits of drainage basin (Physiographic region)
(JUNDRAIN) Phsiographic boundaries
FNRIVSYS River systems (JUNRIV)
FNRIVERS major rivers, slightly different than above coverage (RIVERS)
FNLIMIT Outer limit of map coverage (JUNLIMIT)
FNZONE384 Zoning on map shows variable a384-- unmarried female / married
(ZONE384) female.
Files that moved from from_szsi_acct directory on DEC (23 Aug 96); files names are listed on france_commune.lst