France GIS Data


Data Directories

  1. France06 Data (1806)
  2. France5161 Data (1851-61)

France06 Data

FN06 (canton boundary coverage)(Jan 96)

PAT: newid canton ID
99992 lakes
99993 unattributed islands
99994 non-France enclaves
99999 Paris inset
x = 1 detached territories
2 lakes
3 unattributed islands
4 non-France enclaves
5 MMC or canton capitals
9 Paris inset

btype = 40 departement boundaries
20 arrondissement boundaries
00 canton boundaries
30 special boundary (in Corsica)

FM06 (Working file for FN06MMC and FC06)(Jan 96)

PAT: idcity City ID (Dec 95)
mmcid MMC ID
idct1806 Canton ID
cantname Canton name
Cityname City name
idcity mmcid
999992 99992 lakes
999993 99993 unattributed islands
999994 99994 non-France enclaves
999999 99999 Paris inset
x = 1 detached territories
2 lakes
3 unattributed islands
4 non-France enclaves
5 MMC or canton capitals
9 Paris inset
d = 1 divided cities
0 otherwise
btype = 40 departement boundaries
20 arrondissement boundaries
00 canton boundaries
60 coast lines
30 special boundary (in Corsica)
line = 60 coast lines

FM06E (FN06MMC) (in real world coordinates)(Dec. 95)

PAT: idcity City ID (Dec 95)
mmcid MMC ID
idct1806 Canton ID
cantname Canton name
cityname City name
Rank Level in city system
M1001 - M1016 demographic variables, continuous
M1001X - M1016X same demographic variables, categorical
(use N1001.aml to N1016.aml to make plots)
idcity mmcid
999992 99992 lakes
999993 99993 unattributed islands
999994 99994 non-France enclaves
999999 99999 Paris inset

x = 1 detached territories
2 lakes
3 unattributed islands
4 non-France enclaves
5 MMC or canton capitals
9 Paris inset
d = 1 divided cities
0 otherwise
btype = 40 departement boundaries
20 arrondissement boundaries
00 canton boundaries
60 coast lines
30 special boundary (in Corsica)
line = 60 coast lines

FC06 France central places, point coverage created from FM06.(Jan 96)

PAT: attributes same as FM06, plus demographic variables
M1001 to M1014 (continuous), M1001X to M1014X (categorical)

FM06LINE (lines show connection between the main and its detached territories) (for FM06) (Jan 96)

AAT: b = 1

FNLINE (for FN06)(Jan 96)

AAT: b = 1

FRANCE_C: Original 1806 France canton boundaries, names and Ids. (Sept 95)

where: btype = 40 departement boundaries;
btype = 20 arrondissement boundaries;
btype = 0 canton

FRANCEM working coverage for FN06MMC

FRANCEN working coverage for FN06

F1T Scanned raw image of NE quad of original France 1806 transparent map.
to be used as background coverage to locate central places.
F2T SE quad
F3T NW quad
F4T SW quad


FNCITY Central-place coverage (649 places ranked)(Oct 95)

PAT: idcity city ID (Oct 95)
idcity6 city ID printed as characters
cityname city name (frc4augn.dat)
name2 city name in capital letters
(for level 1-6 city only)
rank city level (franc247.lst)
Rank codings:
rank = 1 metropolises
2 regional metropolises
3 regional cities
4 greater cities
5 local cities
6 country towns

(Note: City ID and names with accents are from FRC4AUG.DBF; levels of

central places are from FRANC247.LST. Both files are in the subdirectory

file_box. The problem of displaying French accent has been fixed. The French

names now look fine on SGI monitors and can be printed on plots. 26 Oct 95)

NFZONE_C Macroregional systems in northern France (Oct 95)

AAT: btype = 0,90
PAT: ztype = 1 Inner core
..7 Far periphery

FNELEV2 Elevation contour polygons, lakes built-in, for shading (Sept 96)

PAT: symbol = 57, 48, 70 for contour shading
symbol = 1 for lake shading

Following coverages created before Oct 1995 and names were changed during

the reorganization of Aug - Sept 96. The name in parenthesis is the old name.

FNADM France 1850s Arrondissment boundaries (ADMIN)

PAT: arrcode arron. code
idcity city ID
namecity city name
AAT: btype = 0 arrondissment boundaries
50 international boundaries
60 coastlines

FNADM-COR The same as above plus Corsica island (ADMIN-COR)

CORSICA Corsica Island, same boundary class as admin

FNCITYSYS City system boundaries (CITYSYS)

AAT: btype = 0 city system boundary
60 coastlines

FNCONT France elevation contour lines, 3 levels total. divided by arcs (JUNBOUND) (cut = 1)

PAT: symbol = 48, 57 & 70 (3 levels of elevation)
(Note: The order of the contours from lower to higher is 57, 48, 70. The three levels seems to be <200, 200-500, and >500 meters.)

FNELEV France elevation contours, three levels represented in three polygons for shading colors. (JUNCONT)

PAT: symbol = 57, 48, 70

FNDRAIN Limits of drainage basin (Physiographic region)

(JUNDRAIN) Phsiographic boundaries

FNRIVSYS River systems (JUNRIV)

FNRIVERS major rivers, slightly different than above coverage (RIVERS)

FNLIMIT Outer limit of map coverage (JUNLIMIT)

FNZONE384 Zoning on map shows variable a384-- unmarried female / married

(ZONE384) female.


Files that moved from from_szsi_acct directory on DEC (23 Aug 96); files names are listed on france_commune.lst