Japan GIS Data

In collaboration with colleagues in Japan, historical GIS data is being assembled for research at three spatial scales:



Japan Nobi region 1:50,000 maps made from 39 (33+6) original map sheets ("tiles"). Historical data circa 1890.

Five Data Layers

  • Roads
  • Hydrology
  • Administrative Boundaries
  • Settlements
  • Elevation Contours

roadc Nobi road coverage, 1890, 1:50,000 (July 96)

AAT: rd = 1 guo-dao & xian-dao (first 2 levels on source
map, shown in double solid lines);
= 2 da-lu (level 3 on source map, narrow double
solid lines);
= 3 lian-lu (level 4 on source map, a solid line
and a dash line)
btype = 98 scale bar

riverc Nobi hydrology coverage, 1890, 1:50,000 (July 96)

AAT: btype = 0 rivers
= 1 lake shorelines
= 10 shorelines and river banks
= 11 islands in rivers
= 91 grid line boundary
= 9 special lines created to form polygons (don't plot them)
PAT: color = 5 for open water

admbndc Nobi administrative boundary coverage, 1890, 1:50,000 (July 96)

AAT: btype = 1 fu-xian & guo (First 2 levels on source maps)
= 2 jun-shi (level 3 on source map)
= 3 cun & qu (level 4 on source map)
= 60 coast lines
= 90 map outline (frame)
= 98 scale bar
PAT: A1 ID number for villages
name name of the village
note The IDs of the villages merged
Note: Some of the villages have been coded.

settc Nobi towns and villages (built-up areas) coverage, 1890, 1:50,000 (July 96)

AAT : btype = 98 scale bar

contc Nobi elevation coverage, 1890, 1:50,000 (July 96)

AAT: elev = 100,200,400,800, or 1600 in meters
btype = 91 gridline boundary
= 98 scale bar
PAT: color = 0 open water
1 < 100m
2 100 - 199
3 200 - 399
4 400 - 799
5 800 - 1599
6 >= 1600m

contc2 Nobi contour polygon coverage with open water polygons built in. (July 96)

AAT: elev = 100,200,400,800, or 1600 in meters
btype = 1 lake shorelines
10 coast lines and river banks
11 islands in rivers
91 gridline boundary
98 scale bar
PAT: color = 1 < 100m
2 100 - 199
3 200 - 399
4 400 - 799
5 800 - 1599
6 >= 1600m
color = 0 lakes

shores Nobi open water coverage, 1890, 1:50,000 (July 96)

AAT: btype = 1 alke shores
10 river banks
11 islands
91 gridline boundary
PAT: color = 1 lakes
5 sea, rivers

gline Nobi line coverage, 1890 (July 96) grid illustration of the 39 tiles

x (horizental) from 1 to 6
y (vertical) from A to H
AAT: btype = 90 gridline
98 scale bar

All above coverages are registered to the source maps.

Raw files are in the subdirectory raw_box:

(Created 8 Aug 96)







(Note: each *.tar.Z file will be expanded to a directory after uncompressing

and 'untar' the files.)

OwariJK subdirectory

The OwariJK is a subdirectory in the Nobi directory, containing coverages

for OwariJ and OwariK.

The files in OwariJK were moved from the from_szsi_acct in the DEC files

system. The name was owari_villages.

All coverages here were dated 16 Nov 94.

ojcov - OwariJ, updated villages mergers, modifications 9-30-93.

ojcov2, ojcov3 (updated versions of ojcov?)

The ojcov* coverages have following attributes:


ojgun OwariJ coverage without village boundaires

ojgun has following attributes:


kmocov OwariK

kmocov2 another version of kmocov?

kmogun kmocov without village boundaries

mn Contains a number of arcs that would add to other covearges.

OwariJK has a subdirectory OwariJK_aml_box for AML files.

ojmap.aml (AML for making a map of Owari 1820) dated 6 Oct 94

define.aml (AML for data input)

define2.aml (AML for data input)

definenew.aml (AML for data input)

definfo.aml (AML for data input)

defirr.aml (AML for data input)

junkvars.aml (AML for reading data)

kmomap.aml (AML for the map named OwariK 1672) dated 6 Oct 94


ojmap.aml (AML for the map named OwariJ 1820) Dated 6 Oct 94
