Weihai Wei (Shandong), 1907

thumbnail of entire map:

Wei hai wei, is sheet number L13, in the "Karte von Tschili und Schantung" [Maps of Zhili and Shandong] series published in 1907. Cartography by the Royal Prussian Land Survey. Printed in German romanization and Chinese Characters.

Scanned and compiled by Mark Henderson, Univ of California, Berkeley.

Funded by National Science Foundation award BCS-0201825.

scale: 1:200,000
original plate size: 44cm X 37cm
scan resolution: 400dpi

This plate covers the area around Weihai Wei heading east along the coast to Rongcheng and the tip of the Shandong peninsula.

Geographic footprint:
Maximum North 38.00 N
Maximum South 37.33 N
Maximum East: 123.00 E
Maximum West: 122.00 E

DOWNLOAD FULL-SIZE IMAGES: http://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/11729