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Japan - Circuits (1828)

CHGIS, Tokugawa Japan GIS 2004.

Toosandoo (1828)

CHGIS, Tokugawa Japan GIS 2004.

Hokurikudoo (1828)

CHGIS, Tokugawa Japan GIS 2004.

Source for CHGIS Circuits and Provinces map (1828)

Japan Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, Map of Seven Circuits.

Daimyo of the Boso Peninsula (1664)

CHGIS, Tokugawa Japan GIS 2004.

Source for CHGIS Daimyo map (1664)

Murdoch and Yamagata, Nihonshi nembyo chizu, 1900.

Provinces of premodern Japan

Adolphson, Gates of Power, 2000.

Provinces of medieval Japan

Hall, Nagahara & Yamamura, Japan Before Tokugawa, 1981.

Major Sengoku Daimyo (ca. 1572)

Hall, Nagahara & Yamamura, Japan Before Tokugawa, 1981.

Oda Nobunaga Map

Nihonshi nembyo chizu, 1995.

Muromachi Map

Nihonshi nembyo chizu, 1995.

Feudal Map of Japan (1564-1573)

Murdoch and Yamagata, Nihonshi nembyo chizu, 1900.
Feudal Map of Japan (1573-1583)

Murdoch and Yamagata, Nihonshi nembyo chizu, 1900.