Methodological approaches to Historical GIS AAG 2008


- Merrick Lex Berman (Harvard University) - Ian Gregory (Lancaster University)

Analysis of Change Over Time Using CHGIS Datasets and WEB 2.0 Technology
---- Dagmar Schaefer (Max Planck Institute, Boltzmannstraße Berlin)
---- Lex Berman
---- Web-based analytical tools and mapping methods.

Mapping Neighborhoods and Households in U.S. Cities in 1880
---- John Logan (Brown Univ)
---- Jason Bryan Jindrich (Brown Univ)
---- Qiang Cai (Brown Univ)
---- Developing historical Enumeration Districts from heterogenous source materials.

Unearthing uncertainty: A case study in georeferencing the Yujitu
---- Alex Akin (Harvard Univ)
---- Geographic knowledge and spatial accuracy found in the carved stone map Yujitu

Spatiotemporal Primitives in Print Historical Atlases and Historical GIS
---- Karl Grossner (UC Santa Barbara)
---- Fundemental concepts of geographic knowledge as expressed in print and digital atlases